Wednesday, August 23, 2006


Do you have any idea what Pleurisy is? I didn't until Friday night.

I had 'stabbing' pain in my right side since Tuesday. It got so bad on Friday that no matter what I did, I had more pain. I ended up going to the Lewisville hospital and had 2 xrays. They gave me a shot of muscle relaxant in my hip and then prescribed Motrin, a muscle relaxant and Vicodin. I will tell you now, I had a very UNEVENTFUL weekend. :-)

Pleurisy is an inflammation of the lining around the lung. It is usually due to a viral infection or pneunmonia. It lasts 10 to 14 days. It causes sharp pain with breathing, coughing, sneezing and movement. (Right from the hospitals information paperwork)

My UNEVENTFULL weekend started with Saturday. Mike made pancakes for breakfast. I ate, took my pills, fell asleep. At lunch he made hamburgers, I ate, took my pills, fell asleep. I woke up to get in the pool for about an hour. I didn't do a whole lot since I had pain, so I just floated around. Then we decided to get some dinner. As soon as I got in the car and we were moving, I felt sick. We ended up at CheeseCake Factory. I ordered the Chicken Teryaki, which I totally love, and was unable to eat it. Just looking at it made me feel sick. I felt so bad for Mike, he tried to do such a nice thing and I ended up not eating. It made a very good lunch on Monday though. When we got home I took my pills again and fell asleep. Mike woke me up to take my pills again and then I went to bed. Sunday was pretty much the same except we stayed home this time. There was no way I was going to go any where after Saturday.

So, as you can see, a very UNEVENTFUL weekend. (tee hee)


The Exchange Guy said...

I enjoyed the weekend, nonetheless.

Paula & Darryl Kennedy said...

Saw you stopped by my blog - hiya! I had pleurisy about 5 years ago over Christmas and New Years - NOT FUN! I feel for you.
Hope you're all better soon! And what a sweet hubby to take such good care of you.